As the hot summer sun starts to fade and the refreshingly cool weather of fall starts to settle in, residents of Pella start preparing their homes and yards for the the upcoming cold weather. For many, that leads to the question of whether they ought to cover their outdoor air conditioner for the winter.

While it may seem like a good idea, the truth is there are many reasons why you shouldn’t cover your AC unit in the winter. In addition to not being needed, covering your outdoor air conditioning equipment can sometimes cause problems.

Here, the professionals at Van Haaften Plumbing & Heating share five reasons why covering your air conditioner doesn’t need to be on your fall to-do list and what you should do instead.

1. Your AC can Handle Snow

Exterior AC units are supposed to withstand harsh weather conditions like snow in the winter. These machines are built with solid materials and parts that can handle the outdoor elements without damage. The coils and fins of the unit are specially developed to resist corrosion, and the housing is designed to protect the internal elements from moisture and debris.

2. Covering Your Air Conditioner Can Cause Mold

One of the reasons you should not cover your air conditioner in the winter is because doing so can trap moisture—which is the opposite of what you want in your outdoor unit. That’s because sealing moisture inside the unit creates the perfect conditions for mold and mildew to spread.

Mold and mildew not only have an undesirable odor, but they can also present health risks, especially for individuals with respiratory issues or allergies. Additionally, the excess moisture can corrode the internal components of the AC unit.

Instead of covering the unit, instead make sure the unit has proper drainage and keep the area around the unit clean of debris, allowing for efficient airflow and preventing moisture buildup.

3. A Covered Air Conditioner Can Host Animals

Humans aren’t the only ones who make plans for winter. Animals that live around your home are also searching for a warm, cozy place to live for the cold months. For many critters, a covered air conditioner is the perfect winter dwelling.

Birds, mice, chipmunks and even rats frequently make homes inside covered air conditioners. Animals residing in a covered AC unit can cause numerous problems. Rats can chew through wires, insulation and other connections, causing damage that may require expensive repairs. Debris animals bring into the AC to make themselves a warm and comfortable place to get out of the cold weather can obstruct airflow and ventilation, decreasing the efficiency of the unit and potentially causing it to overheat. Moreover, animal waste can result in unsanitary conditions and bad odors.

Leaving your air conditioner uncovered helps dissuade wildlife, because an uncovered AC gives them less shelter from chilly temperatures than a covered unit. That’s better for your air conditioner—and leaves you with less mess to throw away and things to repair when winter is over.

4. A Winter Cover for AC Units Restricts Airflow

Another reason not to cover your air conditioning equipment in the winter is because a cover limits airflow through the unit. Suitable airflow is crucial for the AC system because it helps with heat exchange and allows the unit to cool properly. When airflow is severely limited, the system has to work harder to achieve the desired temperature, causing greater energy consumption and strain on the components.

In addition, if you run your AC without realizing that the outside unit is covered or because you simply forgot, it could result in a range of problems. One issue is that the absence of proper airflow could cause the compressor to overheat, resulting in its failure or damage.  That’s why it is vital to ensure the outdoor unit is free from blockages and is not covered to maintain maximum airflow.

5. AC Maintenance Is More Effective Than Covering Your Air Conditioner

The bottom line is, it’s a lot more effective to do a little maintenance for your cooling system than to cover your outside AC unit.

There are numerous key maintenance activities you should prioritize to ensure maximum performance and longevity of your AC unit. First, it’s wise to look at your outdoor AC unit regularly and clear any debris such as leaves, sticks and dirt to maintain proper airflow. Second, check and clean the coils, fins and filters to make sure you don’t see any dirt and dust buildup that would hinder efficient heat exchange or airflow.

Scheduled air conditioning maintenance not only enhances efficiency, but it also helps extend the unit’s life span, reduces energy consumption and prevents costly repairs. Rather than using a cover, putting time and effort into routine air conditioning maintenance is a proactive approach that can significantly benefit your entire HVAC system in the long run.